

سی وچهارمین روز اعتصاب غذای استاد محمد علی طاهری

گروه خبري سايت
سی وچهارمین روز اعتصاب غذای استاد محمد علی طاهری

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

امروز سی وچهارمین روز اعتصاب غذای استاد محمد علی طاهری است و ما همچنان از وضعیت سلامت ایشان بی خبریم و شاهد بی تفاوتی قوه قضاییه نسبت به پرونده عزیزمان هستیم، ما به عنوان خانواده به همراه جمعی از شاگردان ایشان در شصت و پنجمین تجمع گردهم آمده ایم تا از دولت جمهوری اسلامی و مسولین ذیربط بخواهیم تا جوابگوی مردم خود باشند و شرایطی را فراهم آورند تا تضمین کننده سلامت عزیزمان باشد و همچنین آزادی بی قید و شرط ایشان را اجرایی نمایند.

English translation:Dear Friends and Participants,
These days, the great family of Interuniversal Erfan is going through a difficult and turbulent period. For me, this period is marked with continuous injustice in detaining my beloved brother and the master of love and for his sincere students, the period is marked with the unhealed hurts of his prolonged absence.
My loved ones, today, with trust in God and with the support of 30,000 Canadian citizens who have signed the petition of the Amnesty International to free Master Taheri and also about 10,000 individual letters that are sent to the Iranian supreme leader and the Judicial officials, allow me to say this sentence; a sentence that not only expresses the heartfelt plea of thousands of signatories of the Amnesty International’s petition from all over the world, but also expresses the desire of any open-minded individual; and the sentence is as follows: Disclose Master Mohammad Ali Taheri’s fate and health condition; and with providing the means of freedom for this teacher of love, bring joy to the heart of all open-minded people including his family and suffering mother, and know that there is a great goodness in this deed.

منبع خبر : گروه خبري سايت www.erfanekeihani.com
صفحه رسمي سايت سايمنتولوژي فرادرماني

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