

نام استاد محمد علی طاهری و دو تن از شاگردان ایشان

گروه خبري سايت
نام استاد محمد علی طاهری و دو تن از شاگردان ایشان در گزارش مارس 2016 گزارشگر ویژه حقوق بشر در مورد وضعیت حقوق بشر در جمهوری اسلامی ایران
این گزارش که در مارس 2016، در سی و یکمین جلسه شورای حقوق بشر در ژنو توسط آقای احمد شهید ارایه گردید، به بررسی روند تحولات حقوق بشر در ایران از زمان آخرین گزارش رسمی ارایه شده ی آقای احمد شهید میپردازد. آخرین گزارش ایشان در اکتبر 2015 در هفتادمین جلسه مجمع عمومی سازمان ملل ارایه گردیده شده بود.
گزارش اخیر، از ملغی شدن حکم اعدام محمد علی طاهری، یک نویسنده نامدار تئوری های طب مکمل و بنیانگذار عرفان حلقه، که به جرم مفسد فی الارض محکوم به اعدام شده بود، خبر میدهد.
گزارشگر ویژه حقوق بشر ضمن ابراز خرسندی از ملغی شدن حکم اعدام آقای طاهری، از مقامات مسئول خواستار آزادی بی قید و شرط و سریع آقای طاهری شده است.
در بخش دیگری از گزارش، توضیحی مختصر از بازداشت آقای "داریوش عدیم" و خانم "سارا ساعی"، دو تن از شاگردان دکتر طاهری، ارایه شده است.
بازداشت سارا ساعی

Ms. Sara Saei, a student and follower of Mr. Mohammad Taheri, participated in
several peaceful gatherings convened on Saturdays and Mondays to protest against the unlawful arrests of human and civil rights activists and advocate for them. She was arrested by plainclothes agents on 21 November 2015 when she was participating in a gathering in front of Evin Prison to protest against arrest of Mr. Taheri. Authorities reportedly informed her of her charge, disturbing public order, immediately after her arrest. She was transferred to Ward 2-A of Evin Prison and kept in a solitary confinement for four nights. Her interrogators reportedly demanded information about the organizers of the gatherings and her ideas and personal beliefs. She was asked to sign a promissory note to avoid gatherings and assemblies. She was later transferred to Gharchak Prison in Varmin and released on bail. She was not allowed to contact her family until she was transferred to Gharchak Prison.

بازداشت داریوش عدیم

84. Mr. Dariush Adeem, a student and follower of Mr. Mohammad Taheri, was arrested on 15 August 2015 by four plainclothes men believed to be Revolutionary Guard agents after participating in a gathering in support of Mr. Taheri. He was handcuffed, blindfolded, and taken to Dastgerd Prison in Esfahan, where he lives. Mr. Adeem was reportedly beaten
and subject to ill-treatment during the first three days of interrogations. Four days after his, he was informed of his charges, which included "disturbing the public order” but was not allowed to access to a lawyer. He was released on bail 11 days after his arrest but twice
summoned for questioning and pressured to disclose the identities of the assembly organizers and followers of Mr. Taheri. He left Iran in October 2015.119

احمد شهید

صفحه رسمي سايت سايمنتولوژي فرادرماني

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