

حقوق بشر در ایران- عفو بین الملل

گروه خبري سايت
حقوق بشر در ایران- عفو بین الملل

Mohammad Ali Taheri is now in his 5th year of solitary confinement, and has begun a new hunger strike in protest.
By Amnesty International, 17 February 2016, Index number: MDE 13/3433/2016
Iran’s Supreme Court quashed Mohammad Ali Taheri’s death sentence in December and returned his case to the Revolutionary Court to order further investigation. He is now in his fifth year of solitary confinement, and has begun a new hunger strike in protest.

محمد علی طاهری اکنون او در روز 5 سال از زندان انفرادی ، و شروع شده یک نیو اعتصاب غذا در اعتراض

حقوق بشر در ایران

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